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InStockTrades: The Website of Your Dreams
Today I'm here to tell all you lovely readers about something that will clear your skin, water your crops, and all around brighten your...

Strong Women: Highlighting Doctor Strange's Zelma Stanton
A few days ago I was reading the forward of Meyer's Life and Death in which she lays out some of the reasons why she chose to do a gender...

A Poor Use of Paratexts: How Much Are You Judging Your Book By Its Cover?
Did anyone else go through phases as a kid where there was such a thing as too much popularity? Where somehow instead of wanting to fit...

An Open Letter to J.K. Rowling: Make It Gay, You Coward
It's 2018 and every time Dumbledore tries to sneak out of the closet J.K. Rowling shoves him right back in. Look, the last two weeks have...

2017 Book Roundup
This is less of a post and more a collection: all the books I read (in full) during the last year, most of which I'd like to recommend to...

Review: Sherlock Holmes in Cape May
I've read a number of Sherlock Holmes pastiches over the years---with my collection nearing100 books now---but I'm always eager for a new...
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