Publications, Conferences, and Fiction
Essay (2021)
“The Journey to Flavor Town: Guy Fieri and Celebrity Fandom."The Food Network Recipe: Essays on Cooking, Celebrity, and Competition, McFarland & Company.
Conference (2017)
Pray For Me, Preacher: Embracement and Celebration of Fan Anger in AMC’s
Preacher.” English Graduate Organization Conference, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio.
Conference (2017)
“Fans Love It a Latte: The Rise and Participatory Nature of Coffee Shop AUs.” Fifth
Annual Fandom and Neomedia Studies (FANS) Conference, Ft. Worth, Texas.
Conference (2017)
“There’s a GIF for That: The Innovation of the Supernatural Fan-GIF.” SWPACA
Conference, Hyatt Regency, Albuquerque, New Mexico.
Conference (2016)
"Not Two People, but an Experience: Queer Representation and the Renegotiation of
Fanworks in Steven Universe.” Console-ing Passions Conference, University of Notre Dame, Indiana.