You Should Be Watching: The Santa Clarita DietThis show is not for the squeamish. By any stretch of the imagination. Yeah, yeah I’m underestimating you, right? After all, 21st century...
Ready Player One: A Tribute to So Much That's Bad About FandomHoly gatekeeping, Batman! I'm not the first person to rant about Ready Player One and I certainly won't be the last. Since the book's...
A Wrinkle in Time is 2018's Jupiter Ascending (and I Mean That in the Best Way Possible)Yesterday I attended a 4:30 showing of A Wrinkle in Time----a Monday afternoon, at a local theater servicing primarily college kids, all...
Black Excellence: Anything You Can Do Black Panther Does BetterWe all knew it was coming. Months of hype paid off as Black Panther smashed records this holiday weekend and quickly established itself...
My Almost Moment: A Young, Angry Teacher's Take on Gun ControlI want to talk about an almost. We hear about them all the time. Most are just conversational junk food----that time you almost spoke to...
Depictions of Masculinity: Jacob "Cinnamon Roll" KowalskiIn our multimedia age video essays have grown in popularity and there are few channels I enjoy more than the Pop Culture Detective on...