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For the Fans: The Sense8 Finale
Theoretically, the purpose of any blog post is to convey something. To explain to my (embarrassingly small) audience my opinions, to...

It Follows: Fueling Horror Through (Women's) Sexual Deviance
On a whim I decided that this summer would be the summer of bingeing horror films. I've got a gorgeous blanket to knit and god knows I'll...

You Should Be Watching: The Santa Clarita Diet
This show is not for the squeamish. By any stretch of the imagination. Yeah, yeah I’m underestimating you, right? After all, 21st century...

Ready Player One: A Tribute to So Much That's Bad About Fandom
Holy gatekeeping, Batman! I'm not the first person to rant about Ready Player One and I certainly won't be the last. Since the book's...

A Wrinkle in Time is 2018's Jupiter Ascending (and I Mean That in the Best Way Possible)
Yesterday I attended a 4:30 showing of A Wrinkle in Time----a Monday afternoon, at a local theater servicing primarily college kids, all...

Black Excellence: Anything You Can Do Black Panther Does Better
We all knew it was coming. Months of hype paid off as Black Panther smashed records this holiday weekend and quickly established itself...

Better Watch Out: The Nice Guy™ Is the Scariest One of All
2018 is officially the year of calling privileged, usually white men out on their shit. As actors drop thousands of dollars on black...

2017 Book Roundup
This is less of a post and more a collection: all the books I read (in full) during the last year, most of which I'd like to recommend to...

The Last Jedi: Environmental Storytelling
Last night I managed to snag a late ticket to The Last Jedi—still not quite sure how that miracle happened—but it did and I have to say I...

Napping Princess: A Mecha, Magical Girl, Mind-Bending Anime
If you like mind-bending, genre-crossing animated films, then Kenji Kamiyama's Napping Princess: The Story of the Unknown Me is your...
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